PC Gamer (Italian) 30
PC Gamer IT CD 30 1-2.iso
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Text File
215 lines
# Kyle foley description
# class filename playflags minRadius maxRadius maxVolume
#breath .wav 0x010000 0.3 1.0
choking KK60007.wav
corpsehit bodyfall03.wav 0x0 0.8 4.0
death1 kk60097.wav 0x010100 1.0 4.0
death2 kk60098.wav 0x010100 1.0 4.0
deathUnder KK60082.wav 0x010200 0.3 1.0
deathUnder KK60081.wav 0x010200 0.3 1.0
deflected LtSaberHit12.wav
deflected LtSaberHit15.wav
drowned KK60081.wav 0x010100 0.3 1.0
drowned KK60082.wav 0x010100 0.3 1.0
drowning KK60079.wav 0x010100 0.3 1.0
drowning KK60080.wav 0x010100 0.3 1.0
enterwater splash1.wav 0x0 1.0 3.0 0.7
enterwaterslow fsout1.wav 0x0 0.5 1.5 0.4
exitwater fsout1.wav 0x0
exitwaterslow fsout1.wav 0x0
falling KK60002.wav 0x010000 1.5 2.5
gasp KK60006.wav 0x010000 0.5 2.0
hitdamaged landhard01.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
hurtimpact KK60003.wav 0x014000 0.3 1.0
hurtimpact KK60004.wav 0x014000 0.5 2.0
hurtimpact KK60005.wav 0x014000 1.0 4.0
hurtenergy KK60003.wav 0x014000 0.3 1.0
hurtenergy KK60004.wav 0x014000 0.5 2.0
hurtenergy KK60005.wav 0x014000 1.0 4.0
hurtfire KK60003.wav 0x014000 0.3 1.0
hurtfire KK60004.wav 0x014000 0.5 2.0
hurtfire KK60005.wav 0x014000 1.0 4.0
hurtmagic KK60003.wav 0x014000 0.3 1.0
hurtmagic KK60004.wav 0x014000 0.5 2.0
hurtmagic KK60005.wav 0x014000 1.0 4.0
hurtspecial KK60003.wav 0x010000 0.3 1.0
hurtspecial KK60004.wav 0x010000 0.5 2.0
hurtspecial KK60005.wav 0x010000 1.0 4.0
jump jumpbasic01.wav 0x4000 1.5 2.5
jumpmetal jumpMetalDry01.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
jumpwater fswtr2r.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
jumpearth jumpDirt01.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
landhard landbasic01.wav 0x4000 1.5 2.5
landhurt landhard01.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
landmetal landmetaldry01.wav 0x4000 1.5 2.5
landearth landDirt01.wav 0x4000 1.5 2.5
landpuddle fswtr1l.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
landwater fswtr2l.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
lswimsurface stroke1.wav 0x0
rswimsurface stroke2.wav 0x0
lwalkmetal walkmetaldry01.wav 0x4000 0.3 1.0
rwalkmetal walkmetaldry02.wav 0x4000 0.3 1.0
lrunmetal runmetaldry01.wav 0x4000 0.5 2.0
rrunmetal runmetaldry02.wav 0x4000 0.5 2.0
lwalkhard kwalk01.wav 0x4000 0.3 1.0
rwalkhard kwalk02.wav 0x4000 0.3 1.0
lrunhard kylerun01.wav 0x4000 0.5 2.0
rrunhard kylerun02.wav 0x4000 0.5 2.0
lwalkpuddle fswtr2l.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
rwalkpuddle fswtr2r.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
lrunpuddle fswtr2l.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
rrunpuddle fswtr2r.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
lwalkwater fswtr2l.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
rwalkwater fswtr2r.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
lrunwater fswtr2l.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
rrunwater fswtr2r.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
lwalkearth walkdirt01.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
rwalkearth walkdirt02.wav 0x0 0.3 1.0
lrunearth rundirt01.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
rrunearth rundirt02.wav 0x0 0.5 2.0
splattered landhard01.wav 0x0 1.5 2.5
treadsurface stroke1.wav 0x0
#kk60097 Death
#kk60098 Death
#KK60000 Ughnnàmmffàughnnàmmffà COG_60000 Indpendnt
#KK60079 Mmffàmmffàmmffàughnnà COG_60079 Indpendnt
#KK60080 Mmffàmmffàmmffàughnnà COG_60080 Indpendnt
#[Choking and dying underwater.] (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60001 Mmmffàmmfffàuhhhà COG_60001 Indpendnt
#KK60081 Mmmffàmmffàmmffàuhhhà COG_60081 Indpendnt
#KK60082 Mmffàmmffàmffàmffàuhhhà COG_60082 Indpendnt
#[Falling to death.] (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60002 Ahhhhhh . . . COG_60002 Indpendnt
#KK60083 COG_60083 Indpendnt
#KK60084 COG_60084 Indpendnt
#[Getting hit.] (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60003 Ughnn! COG_60003 Indpendnt
#KK60085 COG_60085 Indpendnt
#KK60086 COG_60086 Indpendnt
#[Getting hit.] (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60004 Argh! COG_60004 Indpendnt
#KK60087 COG_60087 Indpendnt
#KK60088 COG_60088 Indpendnt
#[Getting hit.] (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60005 Oooph! COG_60005 Indpendnt
#KK60089 COG_60089 Indpendnt
#KK60090 COG_60090 Indpendnt
#[Gasping air as she surfaces from underwater]. (Several versions were recorded.)
#KK60006 Whuu . . . ah . . ah . . COG_60006 Indpendnt
#KK60091 COG_60091 Indpendnt
#KK60092 COG_60092 Indpendnt
#KK60007 <Choke> COG_60007 Indpendnt
#KK60008 Didn't I just leave this party? COG_60008 Indpendnt
#KK60009 This is exactly what I needed. COG_60009 Indpendnt
#KK60010 This looks like trouble. COG_60010 Indpendnt
#KK60011 Out of ammo. COG_60011 Indpendnt
#KK60012 No more reloads. COG_60012 Indpendnt
#KK60013 Back off! COG_60013 Indpendnt
#KK60014 Hmmm . . . A force field. COG_60014 Indpendnt
#KK60015 I wonder what that did. COG_60015 Indpendnt
#KK60016 Empty. COG_60016 Indpendnt
#KK60017 This looks interesting. COG_60017 Indpendnt
#KK60018 This should come in handy. COG_60018 Indpendnt
#KK60019 No good . . . Looks like it needs a special tool. COG_60019 Indpendnt
#KK60020 I need some kind of key. COG_60020 Indpendnt
#KK60021 I need a key. COG_60021 Indpendnt
#KK60022 There must be a way out of here. COG_60022 Indpendnt
#KK60023 Nothing . . . COG_60023 Indpendnt
#KK60024 That was a little TOO close. COG_60024 Indpendnt
#KK60025 What's up there? COG_60025 Indpendnt
#KK60026 Locked! COG_60026 Indpendnt
#KK60027 Locked! COG_60027 Indpendnt
#KK60028 Hmmm . . . Stuck. COG_60028 Indpendnt
#KK60029 This can't be good for me. COG_60029 Indpendnt
#KK60030 Nothing but the best! COG_60030 Indpendnt
#KK60031 Hmmm . . . COG_60031 Indpendnt
#KK60032 I should hang on to that. COG_60032 Indpendnt
#KK60033 My Force is drained. COG_60033 Indpendnt
#KK60034 My Force powers won't work. COG_60034 Indpendnt
#KK60035 Hmmm . . . How to pull that switch? COG_60035 Indpendnt
#KK60036 No more Force. COG_60036 Indpendnt
#KK60037 I'm exhausted. COG_60037 Indpendnt
#KK60038 Exhausted. COG_60038 Indpendnt
#KK60039 I'll take that. COG_60039 Indpendnt
#KK60040 I think I can use this. COG_60040 Indpendnt
#KK60041 Aarrrrrggggghhh!!!!! COG_60041 Indpendnt
#KK60042 Ha! Missed me. COG_60042 Indpendnt
#KK60043 That was close! COG_60043 Indpendnt
#KK60044 The power's drained. COG_60044 Indpendnt
#KK60045 There's got to be a way to turn this on. COG_60045 Indpendnt
#KK60046 I wonder where this goes? COG_60046 Indpendnt
#KK60047 Alright! COG_60047 Indpendnt
#KK60048 Yeah! COG_60048 Indpendnt
#KK60049 Wow! This packs a punch. COG_60049 Indpendnt
#KK60050 Don't mind me . . . I'm not really here. COG_60050 Indpendnt
#KK60051 This should be fun. COG_60051 Indpendnt
#KK60052 I've got a bad feeling about this. COG_60052 Indpendnt
#KK60053 Why do I always get the fun assignments? COG_60053 Indpendnt
#KK60054 Why can't I get a break? COG_60054 Indpendnt
#KK60055 Now this is more like it! COG_60055 Indpendnt
#KK60056 Here we go . . . COG_60056 Indpendnt
#KK60057 What a ride. COG_60057 Indpendnt
#KK60058 All too easy. COG_60058 Indpendnt
#KK60059 Just my style. COG_60059 Indpendnt
#KK60060 I haven't lost my knack. COG_60060 Indpendnt
#KK60061 This is a motley-looking bunch. COG_60061 Indpendnt
#KK60062 Hmph! COG_60062 Indpendnt
#KK60063 Ha ha ha . . . COG_60063 Indpendnt
#KK60064 Ask me if I care. COG_60064 Indpendnt
#KK60065 Someone's coming! COG_60065 Indpendnt
#KK60066 Uh-oh, time to go! COG_60066 Indpendnt
#KK60067 Looks like I've got company. COG_60067 Indpendnt
#KK60068 Can you override the controls? COG_60068 Indpendnt
#KK60069 The controls have been blasted. COG_60069 Indpendnt
#KK60070 I sense several beings nearby. COG_60070 Indpendnt
#KK60071 Hey! Open up! COG_60071 Indpendnt
#KK60072 I need you to open a door in cargo control. COG_60072 Indpendnt
#KK60073 Where's an astromech when you need one? COG_60073 Indpendnt
#KK60074 It's too heavy. COG_60074 Indpendnt
#KK60075 It won't budge. COG_60075 Indpendnt
#KK60076 I can't move it. COG_60076 Indpendnt
#KK60077 I guess this thing's broken. COG_60077 Indpendnt
#KK60078 Looks like I can climb this thing. COG_60078 Indpendnt
#KK60093 Hahaha . . . COG_60093 Indpendnt
#KK60094 Hmm . . . COG_60094 Indpendnt
#KK60095 Huh. COG_60095 Indpendnt